Kumquat ‘Fukushu’

June 9, 2013 // I’ve wanted a Kumquat tree for a while now and finally got one. I planted this Fukushu Kumquat in a large pot in our front yard.
August 5, 2013 // My new Kumquat tree has tons of really fragrant blooms. I hope it’ll bare tons of fruits too.
May 3, 2014 // I thought I was going to lose my Kumquat tree because it was just infested with Scales and Ants… but I sprayed Scales off with a full blast water sprayer (didn’t want to use chemicals)… and the Kumquat has recovered and looks really happy… and now full of little baby Kumquat fruits. It’s funny how the fruits starts orange and not green like other citrus. I can’t wait to harvest these once they get big and ripe.
July 12, 2014 // Three months ago, my Kumquat was infested with tons of Scales. I sprayed it with a strong jet of water to wash those Scales away. It took several sprays, but I finally got rid of them and the Kumquat recovered. Now, it is filled with tons of new flowers in addition to the young fruits it developed 3 months ago… and it smells soooooooo good!
July 7, 2015 // Fukushu Kumquat plant is filled with tons of flowers.
September 2, 2015 // Something is going on with one of my Kumquat plants. A few branches are turning brown and dying off. Does Citrus also have a disease like Blight? Anyone know what this is and how to fix it?
September 14, 2016 // Our Kumquats are blooming again.
Kumquat ‘Fukushu’
Rutaceae // Citrus japonica ‘Fukushu’